Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Stomach Virus Really Dizzy Stomach Virus Or Medication Reaction?

Stomach virus or medication reaction? - stomach virus really dizzy

threwup my niece early Saturday morning and had a headache, but the quality was better last night at 5:00. This morning she left the bathroom and was so dizzy I could barely see or stand. Then he stood up again and had diarehha. Who just started medication for ADHD INTUNIV yesterday. the first dose was 8:00 pm. We took her to the doctor and told him it was a stomach virus until yesterday. could be a reaction to medication or is it really a virus? When is a virus, what are my chances? I saw all day yesterday and today? How long does it take to catch a stomach virus? They are viruses that children can not be achieved, and not for adults? I am very worried and afraid of the food. please help?

1 comment:

Rinoa said...

Oh, I certainly feel for you. : (I'm too terrified of vomit. I am not sure whether there is a reaction to medication or if they have a stomach virus, but for now, I hope that was a reaction.

One thing to remember, some stomach bugs, mostly children tend to get (), for example, rotavirus. Adults usually do not respond to such serious errors as the children. Additionally, children usually vomit. Seeing a teacher, I vomit a lot of little kids and I never will have.

I really hope you do not understand! I have the impression that everything is in order. :)

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